We're having a very special JBRL event and you're invited! Please join us this Saturday August 17, 2013 @ Rainman's Hobby & Raceway in Bakersfield, CA for round #6 of the JBRL electric series! The track will be available for practice on Friday August 16nd from 9am to 10pm for a $15 practice fee to paid to the track. On Saturday morning there will be practice from 6am to 8am, drivers meeting at 8am and racing begins at 8:30am. The JBRL crew will be on hand Friday for a few hours setting up and taking pre entries. Randy Raines and crew have put in alot of time and effort preparing the brand new Rainman's indoor track for our JBRL racers and for that we thank them! Rainman's Hobby & Raceway is an amazing facility so we hope to see all of you out to support one of Southern California's newest facilities! We also plan on giving away a brand new car kit! See you all this weekend!!!
Jimmy Babcock
Congratulations to our JBRL Nitro Round #5 Winners!!!
Chula Vista R/C Racing Club - August 3, 2013
Sportsman Truggy - Victor Guerrero
40+ Nitro Buggy - Don Vinkemulder
Intermediate Truggy - Ryan Reese
Electric 1/8 - Mike Truhe
Expert Truggy - Cody King
Sportsman Buggy - Wayne Coffman
Intermediate Buggy - Dane Jackson
Expert Buggy - Cody King
Address Change!!!
Rainman's Hobby & Raceway has moved loacations!!!
Their new location is indoors & round #6 electric will be there!
Their new address is:
4615 Grissom St. Suite 9 Bakersfield, CA 93313