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FMF Factory 4.1 RCT 96DB Full Flow Spark Arrestor


Manufacturer: FMF

Product Information


FMF Factory 4.1 RCT 96DB Full Flow Spark Arrestor.  Fits all FMF 4.1 RCT Mufflers and gives you max flow.  Still meets the 96DB sound limit and keeps you legal on the trails.


This modification is 100% for Closed Course Competition Use only. Not Intended for Street Use!  Does not conform to CARB/ EPA laws and regulations and is not legal for use upon a highway.I understand that it is illegal to install an aftermarket part that is intended for use with, or as part of, a required motor vehicle pollution control device or system that alters or modifies the original design or performance of the motor vehicle pollution control device or system unless the part has an Executive Order from CARB. Installation of these types of parts which are not CARB‐approved on a pollution controlled motor vehicle in the state of California may result in the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) revoking the vehicle registration and certification of ownership (title), refusing the transfer of registration, and/or the vehicle failing smog inspection. It is illegal to operate a vehicle in California with an illegal aftermarket part. Law enforcement may cite you for the use of an illegal aftermarket part and seize your title and license plate. By ordering this product you agree to these terms.  You agree that Blais Racing Services only sells racing parts and parts for converting your bike into a closed course competition only vehicle and will not use Upon a Highway!

Product Code: 274982


California Cancer and Reproductive Harm WarningWarning: Cancer and Reproductive Harm -

These warnings do not indicate that these products violate safety standards or regulations.

However, as our products might be sold in California, we are legally obliged to inform customers about the potential presence of these chemicals in our products.

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