MAR 11th, 2013
For Immediate Release
Patty Blais
Blais Racing Services
Blais Racing, JBRL Round 1 Race Report
JBRL Round 1
March 2nd, 2013
OCRC Raceway
By Chris Blais:
Round 1 of the JBRL Series would start off at OCRC Raceway in Huntington Beach.
I just finished building my new Tekno EB-48 and SCT410 a few days before this event.
I knew this first round was going to be mostly "testing" to get my Tekno cars dialed
in and figured out. I had a great qualifying round in 1/8th Scale buggy but lost
a steering bolt in the main event, pushing me back to 9th place.
I had a good run in Open 4x4 buggy, taking 2nd place in the B main with my Team
Associated B44.2 buggy, just one second out of the 1st place transfer position.
In Expert 4x4 SC, most of the field would only be a few seconds seperating 3rd-9th
place and I would end up qualifying 9th. I would finish up 9th in the main event
after a rough run and getting taken out a few times. I changed a lot of stuff each
round and the truck kept getting better. This past weekend would be some more testing
along with the Top Notch Round 6 event in Redlands. Thank you for everyone's support!
Martin Blais would start the year out great with a Win in Sportsman 4x4 SC with
his brand new Tekno SCT410. He led from the beginning and checked out from the
rest of the field.
By Nick Blais:
JBRL came very fast this year and having a bunch of new RC cars it was going to
be a busy one. I showed up on Friday for some much needed practice and to get my
new Tekno rc cars set up to do battle. Mathew from Teckno RC showed up and helped
all the Blais racing team out with all the set ups on our vehicles, big thanks to
him for the great race team support! My proline pro 2 conversion truck I only drove
one time and no more need to drive because it was hooked up.
Saturday morning I was to arrive at 6:30 and get a couple batteries in before starting
the racing at 8:30. Good thing Jimmy started early because there was over 300 entries.
The new layout to the races with one minute between them seemed to benefit us as
well after the last race of the night ending just before midnight.
Qualifying went pretty smooth with only having to race one B main only because on
the last lap of the Pro 2 qualifier I made a simple rollover mistake that would
cost me 4 seconds. I ended up winning the B main event and was to line up last in
the A main event. 1/8 scale I had a little issue with my steering getting stuck
one direction because of the body catching but that was all fixed and in heat two
qualifying 5th for the main event. Pro 4 I was to lay down two good runs with only
a few driver errors and was to line up 7th in the A main event. In all my races
that I was racing the top 10 racers in the A mains were separated by about ten
seconds, which would make for some good main events.
Race 24 A main 1/8 scale was to come and off we went headed for the first sweeper
full speed and picked up a position before the first 180 turn. Went smooth and
patient for the first few laps and after a good battle with some guys I found myself
running smooth in forth chasing down a podium spot. Toward the end I was able to
get into 3rd just for a second where my first bobble with a bunch of lappers in
the way got me all caught up and flipped over. After getting back on all four
I was able to pull a 4th place with my 1/8 Tekno buggy. My Venom batteries and
Tekin electronics kept me moving throughout the 10 min main event!
Race 33 A main pro 2 was a little hectic off the start but coming from the back
I really had nothing to lose so I shot to the inside and passed a few people right
off the bat and only had one incident with Casper getting spun out. Not remembering
what really happened I waited for him to get back going again. Then it was full
steam ahead from there. People were making mistakes, breaking down, and getting
taken out left and right and I would find myself running in the top 5 mid way through
the race. It was a typical SC race with not knowing what was going to happen.
Came away with a 5th which is not to bad considering I came from the B main and
there were a lot of really big names racing pro 2.
Race 36 A main Pro 4 I was to start at the back of the pack in this race with my
brother taking up the rear. After the race started I just went for it and by the
time we got to the third turn I was picking up spots by the handful. I was already
up to a podium spot until the pile up that was in front of me was getting untangled
and I got bumped by someone sending me back to fight in the back of the pack. I
worked my way forward the whole race and my Proline ion tires were hooking up so
good that I had to take it easy at the end of the straight to not roll over. I
ended up 5th with the front of the pack not too far away.
This year has started out better than last year so I can't complain about my finishes.
I am going to be at Tekno's home track (San Diego SDRC) at the next JBRL so it
will be a good one. I just wanted to thank all our sponsors: Blais Racing Services,
Proline, Venom, Tekno, Coyote Hobbies Raceway, and Tekin-smarter,smaller faster!
Blais Racing Services is also now a proud dealer for all Venom/ Atomik products.
Blais Racing Services offers engine rebuilding and online parts for all your Motorcycle,
ATV, & UTV needs. Owned and operated by Chris Blais, former Factory KTM Dakar Rally
Racer. We specialize in KTM/ Honda, but can work on anything. I do all of the engine
work myself. www.BlaisRacingServices.com